Saturday, April 16, 2011

Salt Lake Marathon

We woke up at like 4:45 am to get ready for the Salt Lake Marathon. The course started at the University of Utah and ended up at the Gateway after winding around Salt Lake.
Colton and I were riding Bree and Ben's tandem bike. The first time we'd ridden it was the day before. And the longest bike ride I've ever taken was 12 miles a year and half ago. So I was basically doing this ride cold. 
All our stuff for sleeping over at Bree and Ben's and biking.

My organized items

Colton's mess
The ride was a lot of fun. It rained a little bit during the race. And most of it was down hill. I never thought I would really enjoy riding, but I think I could really get into biking. 26 miles was tough though. I pooped out like mile 17. None of us had much to eat that morning. It was way too early, but Bree made us some toast right before we left. So I tried as hard as I could, but Colton probably did the majority of the work the last few miles, which was hard on him, too, because the last stretch was slightly uphill. We slowed down quite a bit.

After the race we walked around and got a lot of free stuff.

The whole group! We look amazing after biking.
Then we decided to ride back up to the University of Utah in a more direct route. I did as much as I could, but I ended up having to walk once we hit a really steep uphill. Colton rode the bike up, and I'm sure he felt ridiculous riding a two-person bike by himself haha.
It was a neat experience! I think I want to make it a tradition. And someday run the marathon. Two of my friends did it this year, and if they can do it, I can too, right? :)

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